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Odney Staff

Close up of a person in nice shirt signing official papers with a pen

Why is a will important?

When Vern Dosch retired, he knew he wanted to continue to be involved in the community. “I love Bismarck, I grew up here,” he said. “I’m grateful for what I received and want to contribute.”

Gaia Renee D

Daffinrud Emphasizes the Importance of Community

When Vern Dosch retired, he knew he wanted to continue to be involved in the community. “I love Bismarck, I grew up here,” he said. “I’m grateful for what I received and want to contribute.”

A small girl around 4 years old hugging her grandma and kissing her check. The Grandma has a sweet smile on her face.

Quality Time with Loved Ones

When Vern Dosch retired, he knew he wanted to continue to be involved in the community. “I love Bismarck, I grew up here,” he said. “I’m grateful for what I received and want to contribute.”

Jeff Essler with his dog out in a field hunting

Jeff Essler

Grant Funding Will Help Build Neighborhood Dedicated to End-of-Life Care