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Talking to Your Parents About End-Of-Life Decisions

Close up of a person in nice shirt signing official papers with a pen

As your parents get older, talking to them about end-of-life issues can be very intimidating. How will they react? Will you offend them?


You won’t know how they will respond, so don’t put it off. These discussions are very important, and they will probably be very grateful in the end. Having the right discussion at the right time can lessen the stress of everyone involved and improve you and your parents’ quality of life.


It’s often easiest to fill out your own advanced directive first. It’s important for you to also have your preferences documented and this is also a great way to break the ice with your parents. You’ll have a better understanding of what the process entails and also a more natural way of discussing the subject with your parents.

Next, make a detailed list of what needs to be taken care of. It may take two or three meetings to cover everything. Check with your state laws on items like real estate transfers and if you or your parents can’t afford an attorney there are low-cost options available online. At the very least you can put your wishes down in writing, so your friends and family are clear about your decisions.


More details will be covered in future newsletters. Once these decisions have been made, you can all get on with the business of living!

More information and resources are available in the following articles: 


Additional information about Advanced Directives: