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Making Connections through Meaningful Conversations

Dying WWII Vet asks to meet someone from same battlefield screenshot from CNN story

A hospice center’s caring nurses got to know a man named Paul better by asking him about his final wishes and desires. Like many Vietnam veterans, he had not spoken much about his time in the war. However, a fellow Vietnam veteran who volunteered at the facility began talking to Paul about his service.


Through conversations they realized they had served near each other during the same year. Paul’s family also learned more than they ever knew about his service through the meaningful conversations. Ultimately the volunteer scheduled a pinning ceremony to recognize Paul’s service in Vietnam. Paul’s family attended the ceremonial pinning and his grandsons received pins to remember their grandfather’s service to his country.This story, and the video below, illustrate experiences Gaia Home will work to provide to nurture the human spirit through the end-of-life journey for the people calling it home.