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Daffinrud Emphasizes the Importance of Community

Gaia Renee D

Sixteen years later Renee Daffinrud still feels the pain of her father’s passing. “When my dad found out he was terminal he just wanted to go home,” said Renee. “Their house wasn’t large enough for a hospital bed and he ended up dying alone, in a hospital.”


Renee feels strongly that communities need to meet the needs of their residents and future citizens. She is active in many local boards and organizations and when she found out about the mission of Gaia Home it was an easy decision when she was asked to support their efforts. “If I can help just one family to not go through what I went through it will be worth it,” she explained. “If you have a community that really cares, that wants to grow and prosper, we need to provide services like Gaia Home will.”


Having the support of community is a part of the mission of Gaia Home. It will be a neighborhood, providing adequate spaces for family and friends – giving them the opportunity to have the time they need to say goodbye.

There are many ways to support Gaia Home, and Renee encourages everyone to learn about their efforts by signing up for the monthly newsletter and participating in fundraisers like Buck-a-Bird, coming up in September.